Watchdoc ScanCare - Scan failure after the WES Toshiba WES installation

Nov. 2020


After installing the Toshiba WES on a device, when a user activates Watchdoc ScanCare, a message appears saying that the scanning process has failed:



The trace files show that the failure was due to incorrect MDS mode settings:



This error is due to the WES modifying the authentication parameters on the print device, making the ‘scan’ function impossible.


To solve the problem, change the authentication settings on the printing device:

  1. accédez au le site web d'administration du périphérique Toshiba (TopAccess) en tant qu'administrateur ;

  2. dans le menu, cliquez sur Administration > Security > Authentication ;

  3. dans la section Paramètres d'authentification utilisateurs , vérifiez lesparamètres suivants

    • Authentication by function > Printing: disabled

    • Authentication by function > Scan: disabled


If you are unable to install Watchdoc ScanCare automatically, you should install ScanCare before installing the Toshiba WES to avoid this type of error.